Can You Afford to Give Your Credit Card Processing to the Lowest Bidder?

With 80% of online shoppers using credit cards, you can’t afford NOT to take credit cards. Did you know that merchants offering credit cards as a payment option increase their profitability by estimated 50%? With the inherent advantages involving credit card processing, should you really go with your initial instinct and choose the cheapest option? […]

Ecommerce Sales Grow as Retail Stores Shrink?

Forrester Research, an independent technology and market research company that provides advice about technology’s impact on business and consumers, recently released estimates on ecommerce growth over the few years. As we see and read about traditional sales dropping all across the nation, ecommerce will continue to grab the lost market share. Forrester said, “When we […]

New Avenues for E-Commerce

E-Commerce Offers New Avenues for Payment Acceptance 1-800-Flowers is paving the way, yet again, for retailers to reach consumers via E-Commerce. The company has jumped on the Facebook bandwagon and is taking advantage of the viral social networking phenomenon. In late July, they became the first store to sell their products directly through Facebook, via […]

SET Technology is Back on Visa and MasterCards Plate

Secure Electronic Transactions Or (SET) Secure Electronic Transactions (SET) is an open protocol which has the potential to play a large role and dominate the market in providing secure electronic transactions. Jointly, Visa and MasterCard and vendors such as IBM have worked to create SET as an open standard for protecting the privacy, and ensuring […]

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