Author : Prismpay Payment Gateway

Validating Credit Cards

Credit Cards Fraud Risks With fraud on the rise, online merchants face increasing risks. In card-not-present transactions, there are two basic levels of credit card validation used to validate that credit cards presented for payment actually belong to the person initiating the transaction. The first involves using the Luhn algorithm (also called the “Mod 10 Method […]

Merchants: Are Your Vendors PCI Compliant?

Are Your Vendors PCI Compliant? Visa, who has always been the strictest association regarding PCI compliance, data security, and cardholder protection, has set the pace again. Merchants who accept multiple card types are required to follow the strictest card operating guidelines to become PCI compliant which usually come from Visa. They issued series of mandates […]

What Does PCI Really Mean to the Average Business Owner?

What does PCI mean to Merchants? Merchant Services Providers and merchants have been hearing about PCI Compliance for the past few years. Sometimes there is a lack of understanding about what is needed to become PCI compliant. We come across information online or by word of mouth, and it may not always be correct. Some say it’s […]

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